As you might know, I am a counselor at Daymark Counseling. We are located in Birmingham, AL and are a Christian non-profit agency. As an outreach to the community, this practice provides a sliding scale payment plan based on client income to determine payment for each session. Many clients are unable to pay even the lowest fee on this scale. Daymark counselors raise funds to fill in the financial gaps in order to provide quality counseling to those who otherwise could not afford it.
Did you know that couples that are having marital/relationship issues on average wait 6 years before they are willing to see a therapist? That’s six years too long! For individuals with mental health challenges, the statistic says they wait around 10 years before they seek treatment! We at Daymark want to remove barriers to people seeking help and also provide a healing experience when they do. You can be a part of helping us remove some of the financial barriers and stigma to counseling! Would you consider supporting the work I do at Daymark by making a one time gift or committing to make a monthly donation?
To give a tax-deductible year end gift click on the ‘donate” button and select my name in the drop down box or send a check to our P.O. Box. You can set up monthly donations as an automatic draft by locating the directions to do so on the donate page of our website or you can email Katy, our office administrator at admin@daymarkcounseling.com to let her know you want to do that and then mail monthly checks or make monthly electronic payments.
Daymark Pastoral Counseling
P.O. Box 59768
Birmingham, AL 35259
If you know of anyone that would be interested in giving or has a special connection to counseling, let me know and I’d love to send them a letter and/or meet with them. I am also still building my caseload and would love any and all referrals you can send my way. I see clients ages 15 and up including individual, couples, premarital and family counseling. I have a special interest in Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Infertility, Grief, Couples, and Ministry Staff and Spouses. I will see clients with a myriad of challenges and relationship issues.
If you are unable to give, I would ask that you partner with me in prayer for my time with my clients, the ministry that Daymark is to our community, and for the funds I need to cover the gaps in order to give quality care to my clients. I love the work I do and I’d appreciate your intercession on my behalf in prayer.
I genuinely love serving individuals, families and churches through the ministry of counseling and I am grateful for all of you who support the work I do. I truly means the world to me and every little bit helps! I hope and pray grace and peace to each of you in the coming year. The following information explains further why I raise support:
We have no set fee for our counseling – as a ministry we offer a sliding scale to lessen finances as an obstacle that might hinder others from getting needed help. Some pay at the high end of the scale, but many more contribute at the low end, some contribute below the scale, and some I will counsel pro bono (free). We believe God has led us to operate as a ministry in this way, and that necessitates we raise funds to offer a sliding scale, while still covering the costs of our budget.
We are a non-profit organization – the only source of revenue I generate is through what an individual contributes for counseling. This is substantial, but not enough to cover my salary, shared office space, supervision services, and administrative expenses. I need contributions to be able to offer counseling at a reduced rate for those who cannot afford to seek out the help they need.
Insurance currently does not reimburse me – I am currently working toward completing my 3,000 post graduate hours required for full licensure and legally cannot file insurance. Therefore, clients who see me will have to pay out of pocket for each session. Even with the sliding scale that Daymark offers, this can be a challenge for some clients.
I love partnering with you to reach others! – I’m grateful God has given me the privilege to minister to others through counseling. As we help heal others, we heal ourselves. What a privilege it is!
With Love,
Stacy Barnes, M.Ed., ALC
(under the supervision of Jay Lloyd, MA, LPC-S)