Dear Friends of Daymark,
Greetings! I sure hope this letter finds you doing well. If not, I hope and pray the holidays provide some rest and nourishment for your soul and body. I have now completed my second full year of part time counseling and administration at Daymark and full-time teaching at Beeson Divinity School. At Daymark I am still the director which means I oversee our finances,
interface with our board, meet individually with Daymark counselors and oversee our staff meetings. I also meet individually on a regular basis with each of our counselors. Now that we
employ 6 other counselors in addition to me, there is a lot more activity going on at Daymark and I enjoy it. I am still doing 4-7 counseling appointments a week as well. We purposely did not add any counselors the last 1 ½ years so that we could come together as a team. We did lose one counselor - Sarah Atwell, who had been with us several years. She moved back to Texas with her husband. She is a gifted counselor, and it was a loss for us and Birmingham. We may entertain some growth in the next year. At Beeson, in addition to teaching classes and meeting with students I spent the last 2 years developing a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling degree that launched this fall. It has been exciting to have counseling students on campus and watch them begin their journey.
Please continue to pray for the work we do here at Daymark. You may not be aware that Daymark is a non-profit organization that raises funds to help support those who come for
counseling. Financial gifts supply a reserve that allows us to “scholarship” those who need it. Each counselor does some personal fund raising to help our organization fulfill its mission. Over half of the financial gifts people make to Daymark come in at year end, so I normally need extra year-end support to navigate through the following year. Now that my salary is not dependent on Daymark in the same way I don’t need the same level of financial gifts at year end. I need about $15,000 in financial gifts or in monthly commitments to come in during November and December of this year. That will help support my part time salary that enables me to direct Daymark and offer part time counseling. Would you consider supporting the work I do at Daymark by making a year-end gift or committing to make a monthly donation in 2025?
To give a tax-deductible year end gift click the “donate now” button below or send a check to our P.O. Box. You can set up monthly electronic donations in 2025 right on the donate
page of the website. If you prefer for this to be done through your bank instead of a credit card you can look for the directions to do so on the donate page of our website or you can email Katy, our office administrator at admin@daymarkcounseling.com to let her know you want to do that and then mail monthly checks or make monthly electronic payments.
I genuinely love serving individuals, families and churches through the ministry of counseling/teaching and I am grateful for all of you who support the work I do by referring people to Daymark, praying for me and contributing financially. I hope and pray that in this next year you will experience an abundance of God’s grace and peace.