As I reflect on 2024, the theme word “Acceptance” resounds. Acceptance, not in the sense of resigning to a subpar situation, but rather acceptance as a posture of the heart before God: hands open, palms up, expectant to receive. And then accepting whatever is given as from the LORD, the God of the universe, who is for me. There’s no corner of life left unintruded by this aim. Work, marriage, mothering, physical health or illness, today’s interruptions, the pace of transformation in my own life and the lives of others…. To really enter into the hard moments and the beautiful ones takes practice. I am slowly learning to enact my trust in God’s character by receiving my current life as a gift from the Lord. As believers what we all want more than anything, whether we can feel it or not, is more of our God. And this He is actively at work to give us, always, even now!
Might the very point of suffering be the point of greatest invitation into His presence? This is my prayer for my clients, for myself, and for all of you partnering with me. Ps 16:5 “The LORD is my chosen portion and my lot…”
My first full year of counseling is drawing to a close, and my heart is full with gratitude. I am so encouraged by the growth and movement in my clients’ hearts. Many of them remind me of the psalmists whose external circumstances and suffering do not necessarily change, but whose internal experiences do as they continue to turn to the Lord and rely on Him.
I work with several who have endured tremendous suffering at the hands of church leaders. I am amazed at how they keep running toward God instead of away, even as they navigate confusion about His character and providence. Please pray for wisdom for me as I seek to help them discern and separate the character of the true LORD of Scripture from the twisted version they have absorbed.
In addition to prayer, would you consider partnering with me financially? Daymark counts on financial contributions from people like you to enable us to offer gospel-centered counseling to those who are unable to pay the full rate. Nearly half the donations each year come through year-end contributions. Would you prayerfully consider supporting my work by giving a year-end gift, or a monthly pledge for 2025? Thank you for considering partnering with me in the gospel!
Why Do Daymark Counselors Raise Financial Support?
Fundraising fosters dependence on the Lord and others. The evil one loves to convince us that we are alone, and that God does not care for us. Raising funds directly opposes this lie. It continually reminds us that as Christians we are called to live as an interdependent family in which members care for each other. We believe the challenges of functioning as a non-profit ministry and raising funds forms greater humility, openness, and dependence on God and others. This in turn infuses our counseling with the vitality of the Spirit.
We do not believe the Gospel should only be available to the highest bidder. At Daymark, we see the church as the front line of Gospel ministry and consider it our role to support local churches in sharing the Gospel. Raising support provides freedom for us to provide affordable counseling for church staff members, missionaries, and refugees, in addition to caring for many church members in Birmingham and beyond.
We offer a sliding scale. The cost of counseling can be prohibitive, so at Daymark we offer a sliding scale which enables counselees to pay according to their financial means. In other words, the sliding scale requires from each person an equal sacrifice, not an equal payment. It is a tangible way to be the Body of Christ to those in need.
Insurance does not reimburse those who meet with us. Our training is biblical, and our counseling is pastoral, not clinical. Because we are not licensed by the state and do not provide a clinical diagnosis, insurance companies do not reimburse the counseling we provide.
How will the money I contribute be used?Given the reduced fees from a sliding scale and the way we support local church ministries, either voluntarily or at a reduced rate, the income we generate does not cover what it costs for Daymark to stay in operation (rent, administrative costs, continuing education for counselors, etc.). A portion of your gift will go to these operating expenses. The majority will go into a scholarship fund for my counselees who demonstrate financial need; this reduces the barrier to entry for those seeking gospel-centered counseling who wouldn’t be able to afford it, while also making it sustainable for me to continue in this work. If you have any questions about giving or about how contributions are used, please don’t hesitate to reach out.