Dear Friends,
Many years ago, I was a depressed and anxious young mother with a story I didn’t really understand, problems I couldn’t make sense of, and a huge chip on my shoulder. I thought I was pretty smart, so why couldn’t I get life to work? God seemed very remote—more an idea than a person.
Oh, and by the way, I didn’t even consider going to counseling because it was so out of reach financially.
When things got to a crisis point, our pastor told me about Daymark, which was one of the very few Christian counseling options that offered a sliding scale. If things had gone a different way, I don’t know where we would be today. You could call what happened to me a rebirth, a rescue, a liberation, but the best way I can describe it is by using Jesus’ story of the lost sheep. I was trapped like a lamb in a thicket, and the Good Shepherd freed me and set me on a path to life, love, and service.
Having received God’s grace through Daymark, I feel called to pass it on to others. To me this means providing help to many clients at and below the lowest rate on our sliding scale (we’re still one of the few places that offer it!). If you would like to help me see more clients who are truly in need but can’t afford counseling at the going rate, click on "donate" below to give to my ministry. You can also snail-mail a gift to:
Betty Carter
Daymark Counseling
PO Box 59768
Homewood, AL 35259
Betty Carter