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Home Base: Growing a Life Giving Family Gordan Bals

The Gospel Frees Parents to be Kind

This talk helps each couple understand how their marriage is the foundation to good child rearing and how to work together to become a “parental team.”

Home Base: Growing a Life Giving Family Gordan Bals

The Gospel Frees Parents to Create an Atmosphere of Rest

Busyness and consumerism is choking the life in our families and this talk helps each family understand how to slow down and build togetherness.

Home Base: Growing a Life Giving Family Gordan Bals

The Gospel Frees Parents to be Discerning

This talk defines discipline and helps each parent understand what good discipline looks like.

Home Base: Growing a Life Giving Family Gordan Bals

The Gospel Frees Parents to be Hopeful

This talk helps parents understand how to surrender the burden of parenting and guides them on how to connect their children to the Lord and His Word.

Home Base: Growing a Life Giving Family Gordan Bals

The Gospel Frees Parents to Live and Nurture Self-Control

This talk helps parents understand how to nurture healthy sexuality in their children.

Grace from Head to Heart Gordon Bals


This talk defines how God pursues us in the midst of a fallen world and why we have a hard time responding to his care.

Grace from Head to Heart Gordon Bals


This talk describes how the blanketing weight of shame keeps us from opening up to God in difficulty.

Grace from Head to Heart Gordon Bals


This talk shows how our fear of being honest with God keeps us from his grace and how lamenting is a bridge back to relationship with God.

Grace from Head to Heart Gordon Bals


This talk helps each person understand the redemptive place of sorrow in a fallen world and how it helps us to soften to God.

Grace from Head to Heart Gordon Bals


This talk helps each person understand how real joy comes on the other side of enduring through difficulty.

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